Phase I
The first six months of this “Nehemiah Transformation” Program in Chicago Area Codes 60612 and surrounding neighborhoods will focus on anti-gang violence/anti-drug workshops and interpersonal/group counseling sessions for reevaluating life-skills and self-esteem building in at-risk persons; mentoring and GED tutoring; workshops for entrepreneurial business learning and future business management or ownership; field trips and prize awards for juveniles who excel in school; and a “Talent Development Module” for young people to identify and hone their creative and artistic talents, potentials and goals (covering journalism, music recording and digital video editing, including full-screen movie production arts) to the fullest. Not only would participants in this program be provided hands-on, specialized multimedia skills training by professional staff, but participants would receive “profit sharing” dividends for every multimedia project that is produced, directed and marketed under the auspices of the “Nehemiah Transformation” Program. Monetary dividends would to be desposited in an individual’s own Scholarship Trust until such time as monies are requested for education, skills training or personal development.