Your New EMV Chip-Enhanced Visa™ Debit and Credit Card
It’s a tiny chip that protects your card information in a big way!
REGIONAL federal credit union Visa Debit and soon credit cards now offer the added benefit of EMV chip technology built right in. The EMV chip card is nearly impossible to counterfeit and does everything magnetic cards do, but even more securely. During 2016, all REGIONAL Visa debit and credit cards will be reissued as EMV chip cards, regardless of their current expiration date. Upon receiving your new EMV chip card, please activate the new card and destroy your previous debit or credit card.
Count on enhanced fraud protection with chip technology.
Every time you use your card at a chip-enhanced terminal, the embedded chip protects your information by creating a unique transaction code.
Enjoy global acceptance.
More places than ever now accept Visa debit and credit cards. Whether you check out using chip technology or swipe your card, you’ll pay with confidence worldwide. Plus, you’re still protected from fraud by Visa’s Zero Liability policy.
Have more questions about the new EMV chip card? Click here!