If you would like to place an ad please follow instructions within the Ad category. As a back up please go to the contact page and send us your information and additional notice of your purchase. E-mails can function as legal documents and can be used for your protection.
Header Ad
Header Ad: $450 once per year. Viewers can click your logo and access your website or any information you designate. This ad spot will be visible on every page throughout the site. (See sample at top of page) Header Ad- Send us via email a digital copy of your logo, (pdf, jpeg, gif) a url address to your website or any other information you wish viewers to access.Big Box Ad
Big box Ad: $80 per month, This ad spot will be visible on every page throughout the site. Samples are to the right. For Ads needing custom designs there is a one time set up fee of $35. Big Box Ad- send us via e-mail any coupon, logo, photos, etc. You which to be used in this ad. For Ads needing custom designs there is a one time set up fee of $35.Business card
Business Card Ad: $35 every quarter (every 90 days), accessible through the 'Professional Networking'link and will be linked back to the main listing for even more exposure. Logos, pictures or symbols may also be used. Business Card Ad: Send us an electronic copy of your business card, or have the card designer send us a copy via e-mail. Click here to see sample page.Job Board
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